We carry on with this WIP, this time, with the beard:

Como siempre, los colores utilizados para la barba:
As always, the colours used for the beard:

Para obtener un resultado vistoso, hay que dedicarle paciencia a esta etapa y pintar cada mechón de pelo individualmente (¡¡¡nada de pincel seco!!!):
Capa base: Naranja Tostado
Sombras 1: Marrón Bichos
Luces 1: Naranja Fuego
Sombras 2: Marrón Carbonizado
Luces 3: Amarillo Dorado
To obtain a gorgeous result, you must have patience with this step and paint each lock of hair individually (nothing like dry brush!!!):
Basecoat: Hot Orange
Shadows 1: Beasty Brown
Lights 1: Hot Fire
Shadows 2: Charred Brown
Lights 3: Gold Yellow
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